Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lesson 9: QR Code Me

Project QR Code Reader |


Table of Contents

Lesson 9:  QR Me



Language Arts

describe, share, and discuss thoughts, feelings, and experiences and consider others’ ideas

listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions

create written and media texts using a variety of forms
Social Studies
give examples of how children and their families use economic decision-making as consumers
Visual Arts
explore images using technology
SEHI 3.1
share books, media, electronic information resources, and computer equipment

PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance

BOC 3.1
safely use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning, with direct teacher assistance when required

BOC 3.3
operate a classroom computer, log on and off the school network, launch and close software, save, edit, and print their work, with teacher assistance
identify and show appreciation for skills they have developed

acknowledge thoughtful and caring behaviours among their classmates

demonstrate respect for and acceptance of all classmates

identify and use strategies for making and keeping friends, and for resolving conflicts with friends

accept responsibility for the consequences of their decisions

identify and evaluate alternative solutions for a given problem


The purpose of this activity is to use the technology that they have in their pockets and at home to make learning fun and connected to what they like to do outside of school.  By using this technology and code system, I am able to communicate my lesson through a cool and 21st Century way.  The students will be able to use their pocket devices to scan the messages that I have prepared.  They will be very motivated to use their PT to scan the codes and figure out the secret messages. The students will use their PT to demonstrate to me they have successfully scanned using their technology, as well as illustrate their understanding of the lesson and application of the lesson.  This lesson is a follow up activity to a previous lesson discussing how to decide to spend money.  Here is a sample of a QR Code:


·         Download a QR Code reader onto the pocket technology that they are going to be using.

·         (This step was done by the teacher to facilitate and expedite the process-it is worth noting that the teacher can also instruct the students and then the students can download the needed app, however it is a good idea to have the app installed before trying to download it at school as it may be blocked due to your school internet filters)

·         Have the activity sheets prepared in advance, or post one sheet on the bulleting board

·         This can be a whole class activity or an ongoing individual centre style of activity it is up to the teacher to decide how the project will continue

·         Email the parents and students asking them to download a QR Code Reader and  Maker

·         The website of a free QR code generator

·         Prepare an answer key so that you can quickly check to see if the students are scanning properly

·         Assist any students who do not have access to pocket technology by providing opportunity to use the classroom technology or to work with a friend


·         Smart phone with a camera, or other device like an IPod 4th Gen or tablet

·         Internet access

·         QR Code reader app from Apple App Store

·         Computer or laptop, optional

·         Word processing program like MS Word

·         Paper

·         Website

·         Email provider, with active account

Lesson 9:  QR Me

I do:

Part 1: Discussion

These are the questions that will guide my introduction to this project.  I will lead the discussion to guide the types of comments being made by the students,  it is a good idea to record what they know about QR codes , as well as what they may want to know, and revisit these points after they have learned.  Have the students seen a QR code before?  Where?

 I would use a K/W/L Chart (see below) this chart can be easily generated using Kidspiration.  (I would have the basic chart on the shared drive or email out to them, so that the children could modify and make changes as they see fit they would save their own KWL Chart in their folder.) 

Part 2:  Questions:

1.       What is a QR Code? 

2.       How do you read a code?

3.       How do you make a code? 

4.       What are they used for in the world?

5.       What can we use QR codes for in our classroom?

6.       Can we create a QR Code message showing our learning?

Example:  KWL Chart


Part 3: 

Remind the students that we have been discussing many factors that require making decisions about spending money, deciding if it is a wise decision, deciding if it is a need or a want.  Use their devices to create a quick list of 3 examples of things they must have to live and survive.  Share what they have created in discussion.  I record the examples.  We then discuss why such things are needs and other things are wants.  We then will read the book Kate’s Money

Part 4:

1.       Using a LCD Projector, in a large group the teacher introduced an example of what a QR Code looks like, in a small group the teacher can show the code from a device

2.       Demonstrate what the app is called and how to find it on a Blackberry Playbook, or other device such as an IPod 4th Gen.

3.       Show how you scan a code, remind students that you may need to slightly move the device

4.       Open the copy that was saved  on the shared drive or use the paper handout of this project

5.       Demonstrate that it is fun and easy. 

6.       Begin to scan and record the students can use the computer, however the code is stored on their device

7.       Review logging into the computers, network, and finding classroom shared space to access their folders

8.       Send students off to begin doing this activity.  In  the preparation section it is mentioned that this can be a whole class activity or an ongoing individual centre style of activity it is up to the teacher to decide how the project will continue

9.       Teacher’s  role is to walk around monitor and assist as needed

10.   Upon completion of the project the students are going to produce an electronic answer page, then email their scan code project back to me as an attachment

11.   Bring students back to meet and discuss as a class the project – offer time to reflect and look at each other’s projects  

You do: 

1.       Students are to begin to do the scan me activities

2.       Students can partner up and share

3.       Students will save the messages,  follow the instructions and generate the answers using a writing app

4.       Students will send the message to me by email

We do:

1.       Students will begin to scan the messages, record the information and follow the QR code message instructions to complete the lesson

2.       We will record the code messages

3.       Students will scan the QR messages together sharing the technology

4.       Students will analyze the QR messages together

5.       Students will create the QR messages together sharing the technology

6.       Students will collaborate together to create the sentences to convert into a QR Code

7.       Students will share their technology

We share:

1.       We will scan QR codes

2.       We will share the messages

3.       We will discuss the decisions making process that Kate followed in the story

4.       We will share what needs and wants we have as a class, personal as well

5.       Upon completion of the project the students are going to produce an electronic answer page, then for some students to email their project as an attachment to the teacher, we will share the email attachments using an LCD Projector connected to a computer

6.       Students will share their ideas for feedback, and make necessary revisions of their answers

Assessment:   Anecdotal

·         Can students successfully read and then create a QR Code?

·         Was the student successfully able to generate a code?

·         Did the code have the correct answers?

·         Did the student work successfully with other students in the group?

·         Did the student come up with an original final Word document?

·         Did the student discover new skills integrating technology for fun?

·         Did the student have fun?

·         Did the student connect this activity to the world?


21st Century Teacher Efficacy Rubric: Score the teacher (self reflection)

Criteria is a synthesis of the following lessons in the articles:   21st C. Learner, Five Hallmarks of Good Homework,7 Essentials of Project-Based Learning, and Show us What Homework’s For
Purpose:  Did the student personalize the purpose of the project?
Evidence of question
Evidence of critical thinking
Evidence of gaining knowledge by reflecting, collaboration, communicating
Personalized the driving question
Efficiency: Did you learn anything?
Shared knowledge during group discussion responsibly respecting others feelings and manners

Participated productively with partner
Draw conclusions-connect to a real situation real world events
Makes informed decisions based on self-assessment and group collaboration
Ownership: Personal relationship between the student and the content formed?

Applied knowledge from personal experiences to new situation
Evidence of individual research, generated new questions
Evidence that the student became involved in the decision making process during group work
Student performed activities finding pleasure in personal growth
Competence: (differentiation)
Student selected activities based on personal inquiry and time restraints

Evidence of pursuing personal growth by self-assessment and openness to new ideas and suggestions

Found additional information  independently
Evidence that student related activities  to personal life
Customized project and components (activities) to personal needs- different style, signed name with a Code, different medium to present the message (results)
Aesthetically Appealing
-Public Presentation

Aesthetic Growth multiple components digital, visual, textural, technological
Used creative and artistic formats to express personal learning
Trying a variety of formats
Organized uncluttered
Attention grabbing text fonts

Self-Evaluation-Any new ideas?

Identified own areas of interest-select resources that are engaging
Identified areas of increased skill
Assess own ability to work with others face to face and through digital medium
Assess own growth
Each section is worth one point for a total of  out of 24





·         EPA support available

·         The activity can be scaffolded easily by limiting the messages to be scanned or by using the EPA to write the messages down for the student

·         Students are able to choose other word processing programs

·         Certain students will not be able to email as an attachment the answers, these children can create a visually pleasing  copy and print it off on paper

·         Teacher can scribe for the student

·         Teacher can provide additional time

·         Teacher can provide a picture for the student to use

·         Activities can be scaffolded to meet the individual needs

·         Teacher can assist with the use of PT to scan the QR Code

·         Teacher can minimize the amount of codes needed to be scanned to an attainable and manageable amount for the student

·         Use co-writer on computer  to assist students with writing their sentences  if they are having problems spelling the words, then copy word/sentences into Kidspiration or Word,

·         Use Kidspiration on computer to make a an idea web (concept map) to structure and organize their ideas into a sentence, then follow the program to create the sentences into Word, then use the sentences by copy and paste into the QR Code creator web based program

·         Teacher can assist with using a text to speech program if the student is not able to hit the letters on the keyboard or type for the student

Assessment Rubric
Unit 1-Needs and Wants: Technology in their lives

Name:  __________________________________________


1 Point -Achieved some
2 Points-Achieved most
3 Points-
Language Arts

describe, share, and discuss thoughts, feelings, and experiences and consider others’ ideas

listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions

create written and media texts using a variety of forms
Social Studies
give examples of how children and their families use economic decision-making as consumers
Visual Arts
explore images using technology
SEHI 3.1
share books, media, electronic information resources, and computer equipment


PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance

BOC 3.1
safely use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning, with direct teacher assistance when required

BOC 3.3
operate a classroom computer, log on and off the school network, launch and close software, save, edit, and print their work, with teacher assistance

identify and show appreciation for skills they have developed

acknowledge thoughtful and caring behaviours among their classmates

demonstrate respect for and acceptance of all classmates

identify and use strategies for making and keeping friends, and for resolving conflicts with friends

accept responsibility for the consequences of their decisions

identify and evaluate alternative solutions for a given problem


Activity 1:  Scan Me!

Scan me and find the answer-
then circle the code

Activity 2:  Needs and Wants Secret Code Messages

Scan these codes
Write the messages

If you want- sign your name by creating a code! And put it here.

Activity 2:  Answer Key for Needs and Wants Messages

Scan these codes
Write the messages

Hi Grade 2 students. Please read the instructions. Finish the work and have fun!

Read the book called Kate’s Money. List 2 needs and 2 wants from the book.

Are the needs of African children the same as Kate’s needs and wants and your own?
Record your answers on the computer using Word.
Email me your answers:

Lesson 9:  Handout QR Me

Scan and read and create a QR Code

*     Use the technology that you have in your pockets and at home to make learning fun and connected to what you like to do –use your pocket devices. 

*     By using this technology and QR code system, you are able to communicate and share digital stuff through a cool and 21st Century way. 

*     You will be able to use your pocket devices to scan the messages that I have prepared.  Have fun using your Pocket Technology to scan the codes and figure out the secret messages.

*     You will use your PT to demonstrate to me that you can scan using your technology, as well as, share your understanding of the lesson and how you problem solved.

*     This lesson is a follow up activity to a previous lesson discussing how to decide to spend money. 

*     Here is a sample of a QR Code

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