Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lesson 4: i-movie






BYOD Lesson 4:  i-Movie


Language Arts

listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions

express and explain opinions about texts and types of texts, and the work of authors and illustrators, demonstrating and increasing awareness of the reasons for their opinions

identify some different types of print and media texts

recognize some of their language conventions and text characteristics

recognize that these conventions and characteristics help them understand what they read and view

experiment with technology in writing and other forms of representing
compare and contrast patterns

demonstrate an understanding that there are often many ways to continue a pattern, unless a pattern rule is provided

represent patterns using their own notation or symbolism
acknowledge thoughtful and caring behaviours among their classmates
BOC 3.1
safely use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning, with direct teacher assistance when required

BOC 3.2
use a range of appropriate equipment, computer technology, and software to plan and create multimedia works that contain pictures, words, and sound to tell a story or report the results of their learning

PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance

RPSD 3.1
locate relevant information by using the appropriate organizational features of and search strategies applicable to books, other print, audio CDs, videos, computer software, multimedia, and the Internet, with teacher assistance

Lesson 4:  i-Movie


Students are to use their PT to create a script and make a short film incorporating the writing style of the author Wanda Gag, found in the story Millions of Cats.  The movie will be a short clip with examples of sentence fluency describing the story through the use of rhyme.


The teacher will have to communicate to the parents/students that their Pocket Device will be used to create a movie.  In order to be ready to begin this activity integrating their device requires the device to have certain capabilities.  Furthermore the teacher will ask the students/parents to install a free app that allows writing, editing, saving text and changing formats as well as a video capture feature on the PT.

·         Create a picture with the picture of the book cover Millions of Cats

·         Find the book Million of Cats by Wanda Gag and have it accessible to the students


·         wifi

·         Pocket Technology-with wifi capability

·         Apple IPod 4th generation or other

·         Photo editing app installed

·         Video editing app installed

·         Blackberry playbook as an example of the PT

·         Student access to their own email

·         Writing, publishing, storage app installed

·         Copy of book Million of Cats by Wanda Gag

·         6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham teachers resource kit

·         Classroom provides access to certain tablet technology and pocket technology as well as computers


Begin the lesson with by reading a great picture book called Millions of Cats by Wanda Gag.  Discuss how this book is another great example of sentence fluency.  The author’s use of rhyme and repetition create a musical flow or rhythm that is pleasurable for the reader.  Talk about certain patterns in rhyme; connect this to previous discussions about pattern recognition in mathematics.

I do:

1.       I discuss and review what sentence fluency is indicating how sentences are smooth, varying in length and style, have both a subject and action, sound like music and rhyme

2.       I will show a video of sentence fluency discussion and how it impacts writing

3.       I will explain to the class that we are creating a short video of each student  focusing on sentence fluency as our target trait and to copy the style of Wanda Gag  important information about the life cycle of the loggerhead turtle

4.       I will indicate that they are to create as much content of the e-book using their PT

5.       I will monitor and support questions

You do: 

1.       Students are to use their PT to create a script and make a short film incorporating the writing style of the author Wanda Gag, found in the story Millions of Cats

2.       Students will create a short movie clip in the format of a commercial, summary, or an advertisement, with examples of sentence fluency included in the dialogue

3.       Students may wish to create their own movie idea story (see teacher)

4.       Students are asked to search for a good picture they are able to download to their PT, they can manipulate the picture or not

5.       Students will video record themselves (or one another) saying their story

6.       Students are asked to help co-create better sentences as well as new sentences about their movie

7.       Students will collaborate together and communicate any problems that they encounter sharing their solutions as well as their digital stories

We do:

1.       Students will collaborate together online/and face to face creating excellent sentences for the movie

2.       Students will problem solve any posting the movie issues with support from the teacher

3.       Students will help each other with the video capture

4.       Students will work together creating and sharing their technological ability and knowledge of the content and the apps to find what works

5.       Students will create their movie clip about the book Millions of Cats using their movie capture features on their pocket technology such as i-movie, or camera

6.       Students will analyze each others movies

7.       Students will email the movie to the teacher or post online

8.       Students will save their digital movie on their PT

We share:

1.       Students will publish and present their movie electronically (through syncing their movie at iTunes, or through accessing their document through an email account as an attachment, possibly use Apple TV and Keynote, or stored online)

2.       Teacher will collect the movie clips to create a digital web base for sharing all the stories

3.       Students may wish to develop an online discussion group or blog regarding their writing and videos

4.       Student may wish to publish their e-story online in YouTube

Assessment: Anecdotal

·         Teacher will take a screen shot of corkboard upon completion of activity as an artefact

·         See sentence fluency  assessment piece from book 6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham

·         Did the student successfully work with other students in a group?

·         Did the student succeed at writing a great e-book demonstrating the sentence fluency criteria?

·         Did the student discover new skills integrating technology?

·         Did the student meet the outcomes covered for this activity?

Differentiation:  Strategies

·         EPA support available

·         Activities can be scaffolded to meet the individual needs

·         Use co-writer  to assist students with writing their sentences  if they are having problems spelling the words, then copy sentences into the corkboard

·         Use Kidspiration to make a an idea web (concept map) to structure and organize their ideas into a sentence, then copy into the corkboard

·          Teacher can assist with the use of PT to record their story

·         Teacher can provide a picture for the student to use

·         Teacher can provide additional time

·         Teacher can provide the opportunity for a lesser length of sentences

·         Teacher can scribe for the student

·         Teacher can assist with using a text to speech program if the student is not able to speak clearly


Checklist for the i-Movie

Name:  __________________________________________

Language Arts
listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions

express and explain opinions about texts and types of texts, and the work of authors and illustrators, demonstrating and increasing awareness of the reasons for their opinions

identify some different types of print and media texts

recognize some of their language conventions and text characteristics

recognize that these conventions and characteristics help them understand what they read and view

experiment with technology in writing and other forms of representing

compare and contrast patterns

demonstrate an understanding that there are often many ways to continue a pattern, unless a pattern rule is provided

represent patterns using their own notation or symbolism

acknowledge thoughtful and caring behaviours among their classmates

BOC 3.1
safely use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning, with direct teacher assistance when required

BOC 3.2
use a range of appropriate equipment, computer technology, and software to plan and create multimedia works that contain pictures, words, and sound to tell a story or report the results of their learning

PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance

RPSD 3.1
locate relevant information by using the appropriate organizational features of and search strategies applicable to books, other print, audio CDs, videos, computer software, multimedia, and the Internet, with teacher assistance


Lesson 4:  Handout i-movie

2.   Use your PT to create a script and record yourself in small snips of videos.

3.   Make a short film showing me that you know the writing style of the author Wanda Gag, found in the story Millions of Cats. 

4.   Your movie will be a short clip of you describing the story through the use of rhyme.


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