Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lesson 8: Titanic Concept Map



Global Producers
My Idea-Map of the Titanic



BYOD Lesson 8:   My Map of the Titanic



Language Arts
describe, share, and discuss thoughts, feelings, and experiences and consider others’ ideas

listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions

participate in conversation, small-group and whole-group discussion, understanding when to speak and when to listen

engage in and respond to a variety of oral presentations and other texts

use pictorial, typographical, and organizational features of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain information.

identify main idea and supporting details of a text

identify principles of order in text (time, cause and effect, space)

recognize the elements of a story or plot

create written and media texts using a variety of forms
Social Studies
demonstrate an understanding of how individuals and groups have contributed to change

explain how decisions made by individuals and diverse groups result in change (local, national, global)
BOC 3.1
safely use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning, with direct teacher assistance when required

BOC 3.3
operate a classroom computer, log on and off the school network, launch and close software, save, edit, and print their work, with teacher assistance

SEHI 3.1
share books, media, electronic information resources, and computer equipment

PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance

Lesson 8:  My Map of the Titanic


Students are to use their PT to create a concept map of ideas. The students will use this concept map to begin the organization for writing about the tragic events of the Titanic.  A concept map of ideas is helpful to develop and organize their thoughts into a logical order.  Furthermore the student can return to the map and add more details, facts or ideas as they develop additional content.  Concept map strategy is an essential step in the development of writing in my classroom.  We will be creating a book of fictional writing based on facts of the sinking of the Titanic.  This book project is meaningful as it is the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.


The teacher will have to communicate to the parents/students that their Pocket Device will be used to create a concept map in preparation of a piece of writing.  In order to be ready for this activity, integrating their device requires the device to have certain capabilities.  Furthermore the teacher will ask the students/parents to install a free app that allows creating and sharing concept maps called Idea Sketch it is free from the Apple App store. 

·         Find the books Children of the Titanic by Christine Welldon, read the story and have the book accessible to the students

·         Find a picture of the Titanic and write a sentence below the picture similar to a caption that evokes emotion about the tragic event


·         wifi

·         Pocket Technology-with wifi capability

·         Apple IPod 4th generation or other

·         Photo editing app installed

·         Concept mapping app named Idea Sketch installed

·         Blackberry playbook as an example of the PT has a similar app

·         Student access to their own email

·         6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham teachers resource kit

·         Classroom provides access to tablet technology and pocket technology as well as computers which have similar programs such as  Kidspiration



Begin the lesson by reviewing the techniques that our authors have used to achieve organization of ideas in their own writing.  The teacher will read one of the following stories: (have students vote on the book of their choice)

1.       Duck on a Bike by David Shannon

2.       Grandpa's Teeth by Rod Clement

3.       Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst

4.       Tuesday by David Wiesner

Discuss how these books are great examples of organization which is an essential part of writing, as well as sentence fluency.  Review how the authors use organization to structure their stories achieving fluency and awesome writing.   Using full sentences making the text easy to listen to and read is another technique as well as the use of rhyme for musicality to create fluent text.  To achieve this fluency it is important to have similar ideas organized in a logical order.  Following this discussion the students will begin to create a concept map.  This map will help students develop a first person narrative story describing those final moments as a passenger on the Titanic.



I do:

1.       I discuss and review that good writing uses a combination of strategies such as ideas, organization and sentence fluency trait 

2.       I remind how sentence fluency is achieved by incorporating the strategies such as:  indicating how sentences are smooth, varying in length and style, both a subject and action, sound like music and rhyme, are in a logical order, have a bold beginning, mighty middle and an excellent ending, are grouped together discussing similar ideas using new paragraphs to differentiate between ideas

3.       I demonstrate how to create a concept map using the PT

4.       I show a concept map on the LCD projector

5.       I monitor and observe students developing their concept maps

You do: 

1.       Students are to use their PT and an app such as Idea sketch to discover how the app works by playing and exploring developing ideas for the writing topic 

2.       Students are asked to develop an idea using the concept map synthesizing the attributes of the 3 focus traits of ideas, organization and sentence fluency

3.       Students will develop a concept map of the different ideas they wish to incorporate into their story

4.       Students will share their ideas for feedback, and make necessary revisions

5.       Students will then email their concept map to themselves so that they can use it to write a story on the computer

We do:

1.       Students will  use the app to make a concept map

2.       Students will create the concept maps together sharing the technology

3.       Students will collaborate together to create the concept map

4.       Students will share their technology

5.       Students will share their concept maps with the class to further edit their ideas before writing the story

6.       Students will email the pictures and the sentences to themselves to have access to them when they log in to the school computer to have access to their work to save on the school hard drive

We share:

1.       Students will publish and present their concept map

2.       We offer critical analysis of the concept map

3.       We discuss how the ideas are organized and if there any ideas that need to be added through group discussions


Assessment:  Anecdotal

·         Teacher will have students save their work on the student access shared drive by emailing themselves the concept map, as an image file

·         See sentence fluency, and ideas  assessment piece from book 6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham

·         Did the student successfully work with other students in a group?

·         Did the student succeed at developing a useful concept map with ideas about the Titanic writing

·         Did the student succeed at developing a useful concept map with good sentences  about the Titanic

·         Did the student discover new skills integrating technology?

·         Was it a meaningful and purposeful assignment?

·         Did the students make a personal connection to the lesson and activity?

·         Did the student meet the outcomes covered for this activity?

Differentiation:  Strategies

·         EPA support available

·          Teacher can scribe for the student

·         Teacher can provide additional time

·         Teacher can provide a picture for the student to use

·         Activities can be scaffolded to meet the individual needs

·         Teacher can assist with the use of PT to develop their concept map

·         Teacher can provide additional books, websites, story clips found online, to assist ideas development

·         Teacher can minimize the amount of concept map ideas to an attainable and manageable amount for the student

·         Use co-writer on computer  to assist students with writing their sentences  if they are having problems spelling the words, then copy word/sentences into Kidspiration

·         Use Kidspiration on computer to make a an idea web (concept map) to structure and organize their ideas into a sentence

·         Teacher can assist with using a text to speech program if the student is not able to hit the letters on the keyboard

Assessment:  Rubric:   My Map of the Titanic

Name:  __________________________________________


1 Point -Achieved some
2 Points-Achieved most
3 Points-Achieved all
Language Arts

describe, share, and discuss thoughts, feelings, and experiences and consider others’ ideas

listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions

participate in conversation, small-group and whole-group discussion, understanding when to speak and when to listen

engage in and respond to a variety of oral presentations and other texts

use pictorial, typographical, and organizational features of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain information.

identify main idea and supporting details of a text

identify principles of order in text (time, cause and effect, space)

recognize the elements of a story or plot

create written and media texts using a variety of forms
Social Studies
demonstrate an understanding of how individuals and groups have contributed to change

explain how decisions made by individuals and diverse groups result in change (local, national, global)
SEHI 3.1
share books, media, electronic information resources, and computer equipment


PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance

BOC 3.1
safely use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning, with direct teacher assistance when required

BOC 3.3
operate a classroom computer, log on and off the school network, launch and close software, save, edit, and print their work, with teacher assistance


Lesson 8:  Handout My Idea Map of the Titanic

Making an idea map to organize your story

*     Use your PT to create a concept map of ideas.  You can always use Kidspiration.

*     The students will use this concept map to begin the organization for writing about the tragic events of the Titanic. 

*     A concept map of ideas is helpful to develop and organize their thoughts into a logical order. 

*     Furthermore the student can return to the map and add more details, facts or ideas as they develop additional content. 

*     We will be creating a book of fictional writing based on facts of the sinking of the Titanic.  This book project is meaningful as it is the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.  We will give it to the school library when we publish.

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