Global Producers
Lesson 3: i-Write an e-book
BYOD Lesson 3:
i-Write an e-book
Outcomes touched upon during lesson using pocket devices and
there digital pictures
After having generated a
collection of sentences that the students and teacher decide are great examples
of sentence fluency and retrieved them electronically to view. The students will then choose a sentence to
start their writing of an e-book mirroring the story: One
Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies. The
students are to insert factlets of
loggerhead turtles (or an animal of their own choice) into the story as well as
discuss the life cycle of the turtle.
Students are to use the website corkboard.me and their
Pocket Technology to create
a collection of sentences that the students have found or created that they
feel are great examples of sentence fluency. These sentences were based on
facts of the loggerhead turtle. Students
will now refer to these facts by connecting to the wifi and gain access to the
corkboard where the sentences are stored. Students
will generate multimedia content from their Pocket Device saving their pieces
with a sentence attached to it developing an e-short story on their device and
pushing the content by email to themselves and the teacher to be stored
electronically. The students will be
able to create a story using highly fluent sentences to demonstrate their
understanding of the sentence fluency trait, as well as, the content knowledge
of the loggerhead turtle.
The teacher will have to communicate to the parents/students
that their Pocket Device will be used to create an e-book. In order to be ready to begin this activity
integrating their device requires the device to have certain capabilities. Furthermore the teacher will have app will be
needed to be installed that allows writing and saving text, as well as, an app
that will store and edit these photos.
Share the links in QR code format
Find the book One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies and have it accessible to the
Discovery Education Network search on Loggerhead
turtles. Save the content.
Pocket Technology-with wifi capability
Apple IPod 4th generation
Photo editing app installed
Blackberry playbook as an example of the PT
Student access to their own email
Writing, publishing, storage app installed
Copy of book One
Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies
6+1 Traits
of Writing by Ruth Culham teachers resource kit
Classroom provides access to certain tablet
technology and pocket technology as well as computers
Begin the lesson with a great picture of a Loggerhead turtle
on the LCD projector. Ask students what
makes this picture great? What words could you use to talk about this
picture? What tools do writer’s use to
create great sentences? What would be better than just a picture? What are some
facts we know of loggerhead turtles?
Demonstrate an
e-book: An Island Grows by Pascal
Routledge (see folder Lesson BYOD 3)
I do:
I discuss and review what sentence fluency is
indicating how sentences are smooth, varying in length and style, have both a
subject and action
I will have a QR code generated for the class to
scan with their pocket technology of a picture hyperlink or video of a
loggerhead turtle link
I will have a QR code generated for the class to
scan with their pocket technology with the website link of the corkboard I have
I will show a video of a loggerhead turtle-(discovery
education network video)
I will explain to the class that we are creating
an e-book focusing on sentence fluency as our target trait and trying to
collect important information about the life cycle of the loggerhead turtle
I will indicate that they are to create as much
content of the e-book using their PT
I will monitor and support questions
You do:
Students are asked to compare sentences and evaluate
which sentences sounds are the best sentences for fluency on the corkboard
Students are able to use their PT to scan the QR
code and see the picture/video of the loggerhead turtles:
Students are asked to scan a second code to go
to the corkboard.me website http://corkboard.me/IGPKRHIsl6
Students are asked to help co-create better
sentences as well as new sentences about the life cycle of the loggerhead
Students will revisit their sentences and
synthesize what they have learned to create an e-short story integrating facts
about the life cycle of the loggerhead turtle
Students will collaborate together and
communicate any problems that they encounter sharing their solutions as well as
their digital stories
We do:
Students will collaborate together online/and
face to face creating excellent sentences with facts about loggerhead turtles
Students will problem solve any posting issues
with support from the teacher
Students will then use the sentences
collaboratively created to develop an e-book talking about the facts of a
loggerhead turtle
Students will work together creating and sharing
their technological ability and knowledge of the content and the apps to find
what works
Students will create their e-book about the
loggerhead turtle using their writing app on their pocket technology such as I-write,
or write lite
Students will analyze each other’s e-story
Students will email the e-story or e-book to the
Students will save their digital work on their
PT by creating a main document and putting the digital links and photos
directly in the file
We share:
Students will publish and present their e-book
electronically through syncing their e-book at iTunes, or through accessing
their document through an email account as an attachment, possibly use Apple TV
and Keynote
Teacher will collect the e-book to create a
digital web base for sharing all the stories
Students may wish to develop an online
discussion group or blog regarding the environmental concerns regarding the
loggerhead turtle
Student may wish to publish their e-story online
in YouTube
Assessment: Anecdotal
Teacher will take a screen shot of corkboard
upon completion of activity as an artefact
See sentence fluency assessment piece from book 6+1 Traits of
Writing by Ruth Culham
Did the student successfully work with other
students in a group?
Did the student succeed at writing a great e-book
demonstrating the sentence fluency criteria?
Did the student discover new skills integrating
Did the student meet the outcomes covered for
this activity?
EPA support available
Activities can be scaffolded to meet the
individual needs
Use co-writer
to assist students with writing their sentences if they are having problems spelling the words,
then copy sentences into the corkboard
Use Kidspiration to make a an idea web (concept
map) to structure and organize their ideas into a sentence, then copy into the
can assist with the use of PT to scan the code, or type in the sentence
Teacher can provide a picture for the student to
Teacher can provide additional time
Teacher can provide the opportunity for a lesser
length of sentence
Teacher can scribe for the student
Teacher can further the activity by pushing
another technology component such as a voice over recording of student reading
their sentences , or a movie creation
i-Write an e-book
Lesson 3:
Handout i-Write an e-book
Use the website corkboard.me and your Pocket
Technology to create
a collection of sentences that are great examples of sentence fluency. These
sentences are based on facts of the loggerhead turtle. http://corkboard.me/IGPKRHIsl6
will now refer to these facts by connecting to the wifi and gain access to the
corkboard.me where the sentences are stored.
will generate cool multimedia content from your Pocket Device saving your stuff
with a sentence attached to it developing an e-short story
by email to you and me, to be stored electronically.
a cool story using excellent sentences to show me that you understand the
sentence fluency traits, as well as, what you learned about the loggerhead
this link to get to the corkboard.me to write your information:
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