Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lesson 5: Wordle Sentence Fluency


Project Pocket Technology

Lesson 5:  Wordle Sentence Fluency

Global Producers

Pascal Routledge MSVU


BYOD Lesson 5:  Wordle sentence fluency



Language Arts

engage in and respond to a variety of oral presentations and other texts

use pictorial, typographical, and organizational features of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain information.

use writing and other forms of representation to

*generate and organize language and ideas

create written and media texts using a variety of forms

* experiment with a combination of writing with other media to increase the impact of their presentations
SEHI 3.1
share books, media, electronic information resources, and computer equipment

SEHI 3.3
respond personally and with developing critical awareness to a range of print, media, and electronic resources

PTS 3.2
identify and describe ways in which information available for use at this level can be created, stored, used, represented, and transmitted with teacher assistance

Lesson 5:  Wordle sentence fluency


Students are to use their PT to create a sentence or simple story using the writing style from the book:  A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams.  In this lesson students will analyze her sentences and phrases and words by putting mixed-up words in order using their PT and a writing app such as, likes notes, or Write 2 Lite (free) thereby creating sentences from the story. This activity will reinforce the writing skills of good sentence structure and varied length as part of the sentence fluency skills they are developing.


The teacher will have to communicate to the parents/students that their Pocket Device will be used to create a piece of writing.  In order to be ready to begin this activity integrating their device requires the device to have certain capabilities.  Furthermore the teacher will ask the students/parents to install a free app that allows writing, editing, saving text and email options such as Write 2 Lite from the Apple App store.

·         Find the book A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams and have it accessible to the students

·         Create a picture of the book cover A Chair for My Mother  use it as the hook for this activity

·         Access to wordle

·         Create 5 wordle images  of the sentences that are to be analyzed and put back together

·         Save the wordle as an image to send to the students to view on their pocket technology or post on website


·         wifi

·         Pocket Technology-with wifi capability

·         Apple IPod 4th generation or other

·         Photo editing app installed from the Apple App Store

·         Blackberry playbook as an example of the PT

·         Student access to their own email

·         Writing, publishing, storage app installed

·         Copy of book A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams

·         6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham teachers resource kit

·         Classroom provides access to certain tablet technology and pocket technology as well as computers


Begin the lesson with by reading a great picture book called A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams.  Discuss how this book is another great example of sentence fluency.  The author varies the length and structure of her sentences to achieve fluency.  Students will then apply what they have learned about sentence fluency to create a sentence and then wordle the sentence using PT and accessing the website.

I do:

1.       I discuss and review what sentence fluency is indicating how sentences are smooth, varying in length and style, have both a subject and action, sound like music and rhyme.  I will point out sentences that are good examples of this in the text see appendix for lesson:

                                                                                I.            We set the chair beside the window with the red and white curtains.

                                                                              II.            Grandma and Mama and I all sat in it while Aunt Ida took our picture.

                                                                            III.            Now Grandma sits in it and talks with people going by in the daytime.

                                                                            IV.            Mama sits down and watches the news on TV when she comes home from her job.

                                                                              V.            After supper, I sit with her and she can reach right up and turn out the light if I fall asleep in her lap.

2.       I will show 5 pictures of the 5 wordle images  that I have created 

3.       I will explain to the class that we are re-creating the 5 sentences that are mixed-up and they need to un scrambled (the wordle has all of the words mixed up, it is the student’s job to un scramble the words to make the sentences)

4.       I will explain that each student or teams of students will then rewrite the sentences using their pocket technology

5.       I will indicate that they are to use their PT and add an additional sentence of their own which follows the flow of Vera Williams

6.       I will monitor and support if there are any questions

7.       I will post the examples of each groups new sentence at the end of the activity

You do: 

1.       Students are to use their PT to view the wordle images

2.       Students will decode the wordle and rewrite the sentences properly on their PT

3.       Students will then create a sixth sentence of their own

4.       Students are asked to search for a good picture they are able to download to their PT, they can manipulate the picture or not to create something they are proud to write about

5.       Students are asked to help co-create a new sentence

6.       Students will collaborate together and communicate any problems that they encounter sharing their solutions as well as their digital stories

We do:

1.       Students will collaborate together  face to face creating unscrambled sentences for their writing from the wordle

2.       Students will problem solve any posting the movie issues with support from the teacher

3.       Students will help each other accessing the wordle on their PT

4.       Students will collaboratively generate a new sentence

5.       Students will create their sentences and write them in a writing app on their PT like Write 2 lite,  about the book Millions of Cats using their movie capture features on their pocket technology such as i-movie, or camera

6.       Students will analyze each others additional self created sentence

7.       Students will email the sentences to the teacher or post online

8.       Students will save their sentences on their PT

9.       We create a wordle of the final sentences from each group

We share:

1.       Students will publish and present their sentences reading out their 5+1 sentences

2.       We discuss how each sentence began with different beginning words

3.       We read the additional new sentences

4.       We share the new wordle of our own sentence with the teacher

Assessment: (Anecdotal)

·         Teacher will take a screen shot of wordle upon completion of activity as an artefact

·         See sentence fluency  assessment piece from book 6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham

·         Did the student successfully work with other students in a group?

·         Did the student succeed at writing a wordle demonstrating the sentence fluency criteria?

·         Did the student discover new skills integrating technology?

·         Was it meaningful and purposeful assignment

·         Did the students make a personal connection to the lesson and activity?

·         Did the student meet the outcomes covered for this activity?




Differentiation:  Strategies

·         EPA support available

·         Activities can be scaffolded to meet the individual needs

·         Use co-writer  to assist students with writing their sentences  if they are having problems spelling the words, then copy sentences into the corkboard

·         Use Kidspiration to make a an idea web (concept map) to structure and organize their ideas into a sentence, then copy into the corkboard

·          Teacher can assist with the use of PT to record their story

·         Teacher can provide a picture for the student to use

·         Teacher can provide additional time

·         Teacher can provide the opportunity for shorter  length of sentences

·         Teacher can scribe for the student

·         Teacher can assist with using a text to speech program if the student is not able to speak clearly

Assessment:  Rubric for the wordle sentence fluency

Name:  __________________________________________


1 Point -Achieved some
2 Points-Achieved most
3 Points-
Consistently achieved
and may exceed
Language Arts

engage in and respond to a variety of oral presentations and other texts

use pictorial, typographical, and organizational features of written text to determine content, locate topics, and obtain information.

use writing and other forms of representation to

generate and organize language and ideas

create written and media texts using a variety of forms

*   experiment with a combination of writing with other media to increase the impact of their presentations
SEHI 3.1
share books, media, electronic information resources, and computer equipment

SEHI 3.3
respond personally and with developing critical awareness to a range of print, media, and electronic resources

PTS 3.2
identify and describe ways in which information available for use at this level can be created, stored, used, represented, and transmitted with teacher assistance


Appendix 1:  Wordle of 5 Sentences  

Wordle 1     

Wordle 2

Wordle 3

Wordle 4

Wordle 5

Lesson 5:  Handout Wordle

  1. Use your PT to create a sentence or simple story using the writing style from the book:  A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams.

  1. Analyze her sentences and phrases and words by putting the mixed-up wordle words in order using your PT and a writing app such as, notes, or Write 2 Lite (free)

  1. Create sentences from the story. (From the 5 wordle examples)

  1. This activity will help us problem solve what the writing skills are needed for good sentence structure and varied length as part of the sentence fluency skills we are developing.

  1. Use the QR Code below if you wish to produce your own wordle about a story, the code will take you to the wordle website

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