Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lesson 2: Corkboard



Pascal Routledge
Global Producers

[Project Pocket Technology]
Lesson 2:  Demonstration of sentence fluency trait using 


BYOD Lesson 2:


Outcomes touched upon during lesson using pocket devices and there digital pictures

Language Arts
listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions

adapt volume, projection, facial expression, gestures, and tone of voice to the speaking occasion

answer, with assistance, their own questions and those of others by seeking information from a variety of texts

experiment with technology in writing and other forms of representing
acknowledge thoughtful and caring behaviours among their classmates
PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance

Lesson 2:

Participate collaboratively online using an open web site to create a collection of sentences that the students decide are great examples of sentence fluency


Students are to use the website and their Pocket Technology to create a collection of sentences they have found or created and feel are great examples of sentence fluency.  Research indicates that students are more motivated to learn and will do a better job of writing as they are able to integrate their own Pocket Technology (PT)  in a school based learning activity.  This use of PT motivates the students to have fun while learning and therefore create a better piece of writing.


The teacher will have to go to the website and create the webpage, starting the discussion by attaching a photo to the virtual corkboard.  The teacher will have to provide the link to this page to all of the students participating.  There are several ways:  I have decided to post the link on my class webpage. 

·         Create the corkboard:

·         Download or have access to a QR Code Reader and Creator app or website such as Kaywa Reader

·         Create the QR Code for the link

·         Create the QR Code for the link of the web address of a video of a loggerhead turtle

·         Post the link on teacher’s website

·         Share the link by indicating the location to the students by the use of a QR Code

·         Record myself reading the book

·         Appropriate use of technology review discussion

·         Find the book One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies

·         Discovery Education Network search on Loggerhead turtles. Save the content.


·         wifi

·         Pocket Technology-with wifi capability

·         Apple IPod 4th generation

·         Blackberry playbook as an example of the PT

·         QR code reader and creator app installed

·         Copy of book One Tiny Turtle by Nicola Davies

·         6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham teachers resource kit

·         Classroom provides access to certain tablet technology and pocket technology


I do:

1.       I will have a QR code generated for the class to scan with their pocket technology of a picture or video of a loggerhead turtle

2.       I will have a QR code generated for the class to scan with their pocket technology with the website link of the corkboard I have created

3.       I will show a picture/video of a loggerhead turtle-(discovery education network video)

4.       I will explain to the class that we are looking at this book targeting the sentence fluency trait, telling the students that this book has good examples of sentences that meet this criteria

5.       I will explain that the book has fascinating pieces of information but also has excellent examples of sentence fluency –how she makes the text easy to listen to

6.       I will read the book, pointing out and stopping at the little factlets- informational notes in the story showing how the author has set them apart from the running text

7.       Ask students if they hear any differences in the sentence fluency of factlets versus the running text

8.       Teacher introduces that complete sentences have a subject and a verb (a doer and an action).  Fragments are only parts of a sentence.  Tell students that writers use full sentences most of often, but occasionally they use a fragment to change the way a passage sounds.  Fragments can change the rhythm and tempo of the writing to make it pleasing to the ear. They can also be used to make important ideas stand out in the text. Reread sentences asking them to determine if they are complete sentences or not

9.       Teacher will tell students that they are going to try writing complete and incomplete sentences of their own.  Asking them to recall a fact about loggerhead turtles from the text and write it out in a complete sentence

10.   I will introduce how fun it is to participate online in real time with other students collaboratively creating a collection of great sentences on a particular topic using

11.   After the corkboard had been completed the students are to create an information bio card giving details about the loggerhead turtles

You do: 

1.       Students are asked to compare sentences and evaluate which sentences sounds like music

2.       Students are able to use their PT to scan the QR code and see the picture/video of the loggerhead turtles: 

3.       Students are asked to scan a second code to go to the website

4.       Students are asked to post up their sentences or facts about what they remember from the book

5.       Students are asked to help co-create better sentences

We do:

1.       Students will collaborate online creating excellent sentences with facts about loggerhead turtles

2.       Students will problem solve any posting issues with support from the teacher

3.       Students will then use the sentences collaboratively created to develop a bio card talking about the facts of a loggerhead turtle

4.       Students will work together creating independent pieces of writing describing their digital bio card on the turtle using their writing app on their pocket technology

5.       Students will analyze each others writing using the website

6.       Students will email the fact bio card to the teacher

7.       Students will save their bio card on the school computer

8.       Students will save their bio card on their PT

9.       Students will save their digital work on the corkboard

We share:

1.       Students will read their bio card to the class

2.       Teacher will collect the writing and pictures electronically to create a digital portfolio

3.       Students will read all of the sentences that have been posted to corkboard and the final bio written

4.       Students may wish to develop an online discussion group or blog regarding the environmental concerns regarding the loggerhead turtle

Assessment: see rubric

·         Teacher will take a screen shot of corkboard upon completion of activity as an artefact

·         See sentence fluency  assessment piece from book 6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham

·         Did the student successfully work with other students in a group?

·         Did the student succeed at writing a great sentence or two meeting the sentence fluency criteria?

·         Did the student discover new skills integrating technology?

·         Did the student meet the outcomes covered for this activity?

Differentiation:  Strategies

·         EPA support available

·         Activities can be scaffolded to meet the individual needs

·         Use co-writer  to assist students with writing their sentences  if they are having problems spelling the words, then copy sentences into the corkboard

·         Use Kidspiration to make a an idea web (concept map) to structure and organize their ideas into a sentence, then copy into the corkboard

·         Teacher can assist with the use of PT to scan the code, or type in the sentence

·         Teacher can provide a picture for the student to use

·         Teacher can provide additional time

·         Teacher can provide the opportunity for a lesser length of sentence

·         Teacher can scribe for the student

·         Teacher can further the activity by pushing another technology component such as a voice over recording of student reading their sentences , or a movie creation


Assessment Rubric

Name:  __________________________________________

Language Arts
listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions

adapt volume, projection, facial expression, gestures, and tone of voice to the speaking occasion

answer, with assistance, their own questions and those of others by seeking information from a variety of texts

experiment with technology in writing and other forms of representing

acknowledge thoughtful and caring behaviours among their classmates

PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance


Teacher Poster of QR Code sheet


Lesson 2:  Handout

Collaborate together online using a that I have created for you to create a collection of sentences.   You will be able to create a collection of great sentences which will be examples of sentence fluency for a piece of writing.

One Tiny Turtle

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