Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lesson 1: Photo Fun


Project Pocket Technology

BYOD Lesson 1:  Photo Fun

Global Producers
Pascal Routledge

Table of Contents

BYOD Lesson 1: Photo Fun


Language Arts:
describe, share, and discuss thoughts, feelings, and experiences and consider others’ ideas
ask and respond to questions to clarify information and to explore possibilities or solutions to problems
express and explain opinions and respond to the questions and reactions of others
listen critically to others’ ideas and opinions
use basic courtesies and conventions of conversation in group work and co-operative play
answer, with assistance, their own questions and those of others by seeking information from a variety of texts
*   identify their own personal and learning needs for information
*   generate their own questions as a guide for research
*   use a range of print and non-print materials to meet their needs
*   use basic reference materials and a database of electronic search
*   reflect on their own research process
make personal connections to texts and describe, share, and discuss their reactions and emotions
create written and media texts using a variety of forms
*   experiment with a combination of writing with other media to increase the impact of their presentations
demonstrate some awareness of purpose and audience
experiment with a range of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, proofreading, and presentation strategies
experiment with technology in writing and other forms of representing
*   use a drawing program (computer software)
identify and demonstrate ways of showing respect and consideration to others
identify and show appreciation for skills they have developed
acknowledge thoughtful and caring behaviours among their classmates
demonstrate respect for and acceptance of all classmates
Visual Arts
use various materials and processes and explore their possibilities and limitations
use a combination of the visual elements and principles of art and design in art
BOC 3.1
safely use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning, with direct teacher assistance when required

BOC 3.2
use a range of appropriate equipment, computer technology, and software to plan and create multimedia works that contain pictures, words, and sound to tell a story or report the results of their learning

PTS 3.1
present their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with teacher assistance

Lesson 1:  Photo FUN
How to make cool wild fun looking pictures on their Pocket Technology and incorporating them into their writing?


Students are to use their favourite app to create an awesome picture .These digitally transformed pictures are created to motivate the students to produce a more creative piece of writing.  Research indicates that students are more motivated to learn and will do a better job of writing by integrating Pocket Technology (PT) in a school based learning activity.  This use of PT motivates the students to have fun while learning and therefore create a better piece of writing.


The teacher will have to poll the students of the class to determine the multi device technology that is available to the students.  The teacher will also have to provide a letter informing the parents that their child if permitted to bring their PT to school to participate in a technology integration project.  The same form will also communicate to the parents a brief description of the activity, as well as, that the teacher is in fact asking the students to have their own personal devices with them each day during this project.
·         Take digital pictures of each child profile(this step was done by the teacher to facilitate and expedite the process-it is worth noting that the teacher can also instruct the students and then the students can take each others pictures)
·         Upload the pictures to a common drive for student access
·         Prepare an example of the before and after picture  as an example
·         Prepare an organization chart showing the different sentence fluency traits that we are learning
·         Download an app on the class provided PT enabling picture editing
·         Or share the photo using Discovery Education Network and class writing prompt feature


·         Internet/wifi
·         Pocket Technology-with photo/camera
·         Program to digitally enhance images
·         Blackberry playbook as an example of the PT,  app used for an example is Wet Paint, or
·         Digital camera in case a student does not have a PT
·         Memory card
·         USB /SD card converter
·         Computers
·         Classroom tablet technology and pocket technology


I do:

1.       Using an LCD Projector, in a large group the teacher introduced a before and after example of how a cat looks like pre and post digitally changed
2.       Introduce how fun it is to transform a picture into something personal and creative
3.       Introduce how the transformed picture can evoke a series of more rich descriptive words that the student can reflect in a personal piece of writing
4.       Teacher begins to demonstrate this by drawing words out from the students that describe the photo in greater detail
5.       Teacher models
6.       Generate  3 sentences to describe the picture:  (non-fiction-facts based)
                                                               i.        I am a cat.
                                                             ii.      Cats are fun to play with because they will chase me.
                                                            iii.      Cats are soft and cuddly.
7.       Show students how to use the email option
8.       Show students where to put it on the S-drive

You do: 

1.       Students are able to use their PT to take a photo of themselves or of an object of interest
2.       Students are then asked to transform the picture as much as they want using an app
3.       Save the original and the changed photo
4.       Send the photos and the writing to the teacher via email
5.       Save the photos and writing to themselves using email
6.       Open email on computer to access and download the pictures onto their school server in their personal folder

We do:

1.       Students  will assist each other as needed acquiring the photo
2.       Students will problem solve any picture editing issues by collaborating with the peers
3.       Students will then use the picture they have created to begin a piece of writing describing the photo and non fiction facts or fiction
4.       Students will work together creating independent pieces of writing describing their digital image
5.       Students will save their digital work on the school server or send as an email attachment

We share:

1.       Students will share what device and app or program they used to manipulate the picture
2.       Students will present their original picture plus the modified one to the class
3.       Students will explain what features they used to alter the picture
4.       Student will share the finished piece of writing with the class electronically or printed on paper
5.       Teacher will collect the writing and pictures electronically to create a digital portfolio

Assessment: (Anecdotal)

·         See sentence fluency  assessment piece from book 6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham
·         Can students successfully take a picture?
·         Can students successfully find and manipulate a picture?
·         Was the student successfully able to alter the digital picture?
·         Did the picture evoke emotion?
·         Did the student successfully work with other students in a group?
·         Did the student come up with an original final image?
·         Did the student succeed at writing one great sentence or two which meets the sentence fluency criteria?
·         Did the student discover new skills integrating technology?

Differentiation:  Strategies

·         EPA support available
·         Activities can be scaffolded to meet the individual needs
·         Use co-writer  to assist students with writing their sentences  if they are having problems spelling the words
·         Use Kidspiration to make a an idea web (concept map) to structure and organize their ideas into a sentence
·          Teacher can assist with the use of PT to take the picture
·         One to one support to access the program needed to alter their picture
·         Teacher can provide a picture for the student to use
·         Teacher can provide additional time
·         Teacher can provide the opportunity for a lesser length of sentence
·         Teacher can scribe for the student
·         Teacher can further the activity by pushing another technology component such as a voice over recording of student reading their sentences

Assessment Rubric

Project Pocket Technology
Name:  __________________________________________
Criteria is a synthesis of the following lessons in the articles:   21st C. Learner, Five Hallmarks of Good Homework,7 Essentials of Project-Based Learning, and Show us What Homework’s For
Purpose:  Did the student personalize the purpose of the project?
Evidence of question

Language Arts (LA)
LA 1.2
Personalized the driving question

LA 1.2
Evidence of critical thinking

LA 1.4
Evidence of gaining knowledge by reflecting, collaboration, communicating
LA 1.1, 3.1
Efficiency: Did you learn anything?
Shared knowledge during group discussion responsibly respecting others feelings and manners

Health D2.1
Participated productively with partner

Health C2.2
Draw conclusions-connect to a real situation real world events

LA 6.1
Makes informed decisions based on self assessment and group collaboration

LA 1.2
Ownership: Personal relationship between the student and the content formed?

Applied knowledge from personal experiences to new situation

LA 5.1
Evidence of individual research, generated new questions

LA 1.3
Evidence that the student became involved in the decision making process during group work
Health D 2.2
Student performed activities finding pleasure in personal growth

LA 6.1
Competence: (differentiation)
Student selected activities based on personal inquiry and time restraints

Evidence of pursuing personal growth by self assessment and openness to new ideas and suggestions

LA 1.4
Found additional information  independently

Information Computer Technology

Evidence that student related activities  to personal life

LA 9.2
Customized project and components (activities) to personal needs- different style, brochure, different medium to present the message (results)

LA 10.1
Aesthetically Appealing
-Public Presentation

Aesthetic Growth multiple components digital, visual, textural, technological

VA 1.2, VA 1.3
LA 9.1
Used creative and artistic formats to express personal learning

VA 1.2
LA 10.4
Trying a variety of formats

VA 1.3
Organized uncluttered
Attention grabbing video

LA 10.1
Self Evaluation-Any new ideas?

Identified own areas of interest-select resources that are engaging

Health D1.1
Identified areas of increased skill

Health D1.1
Assess own ability to work with others face to face and through digital medium

Assess own growth

Health D1.1
Each section is worth one point for a total of  out of 24


Picture taken and modified using Pocket Technology

Lesson 1:  Handout Photo Fun

Create cool, wild, fun looking pictures on your Pocket Technology then write about it!

1.     You have to take a picture of yourself
2.     Transform your picture into something real cool
3.     Create a real cool picture
4.     Save the picture
5.     Write about what this picture makes you think and feel
6.     Try to create 3 great sentences showing me that you know what fluent sentences sound like, and look like
7.     Save the pictures and the sentences to share


Consent Form

Dear Parent/Guardians,
Grade 2 students are going to be participating in an awesome series of digital projects incorporating the use of their Pocket Device (PD), such as IPod 4th gen.  The project will cover a multitude of learning outcomes and will be a fun way to learn some really cool digital art, writing techniques, as well as presenting and publishing certain pieces.  This project is to make their learning fun connecting what pocket devices they are using at home to learning in our 21st Century classroom.
If your child has a Pocket Device (PD) such as an IPod 4, or other device that has photo and video capture capability, with wifi capability, could you please make sure that there is a photo editing app installed on the device so that your child will be able to manipulate the picture on their PD such as Glow Draw found in the Apple App store, it is free.  The devices will also need to have a writing app enabling creation, editing and publishing of text such as Write 2 Lite from the Apple App store, it is free.
I am requesting that you permit your child to bring their picture taking device to school daily for the following week and continue to do so for the entirety of this project, so that we may be able to use the picture, video, and writing and web browsing features of their personal device.  Devices will be provided for students, as well as, collaborative groups shall be created to share the devices.
Thank you for your support!
Pascal Routledge
Please fill in the information below.
        Cut along the line Cut along the line
Child’s Name:  ____________________________
[ ]     Yes, I give permission for my child to bring her/his device to school, the device is a __________________________________________________
[ ]      No, I do not give permission or (we do not have this type of technology)
Parent’s/Guardian’s Signature ____________________________________

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