Video Interview Project
Table of Contents
Language Arts
describe, share, and discuss
thoughts, feelings, and experiences and consider others’ ideas
ask and respond to questions to
clarify information and to explore possibilities or solutions to problems
express and explain opinions and
respond to the questions and reactions of others
Social Studies
describe and evaluate the role of
technology in their lives
demonstrate an understanding that
people have changed technology over time to meet their needs, wants, and
BOC 3.1
safely use school media, computer
equipment, and software to support their learning, with direct teacher
assistance when required
BOC 3.2
use a range of appropriate
equipment, computer technology, and software to plan and create multimedia
works that contain pictures, words, and sound to tell a story or report the
results of their learning
PTS 3.1
present their learning by
selecting media and software appropriate to the content and purpose, with
teacher assistance
RPSD 3.1
locate relevant information by
using the appropriate organizational features of and search strategies
applicable to books, other print, audio CDs, videos, computer software,
multimedia, and the Internet, with teacher assistance
Project: Video
(The appropriate permission forms
shall be sent home to parents with a description of the activity prior to any
video recording)
Purpose: The students will prepare a question answer
style interview asking questions referring to how things have changed from the
past to the present. (Perhaps even
predict what my change in the future!)
I do:
The teacher will discuss with students how
technology has changed our lives
Teacher will explain the following take home
The teacher will explain how the students are
being assessed
You do
Student should be able to describe to the
teacher how technology has changed over time to meet their needs, wants, and
Students are to use a cell phone or pocket
device to record their interview with their classmate/grandparent.
Students are permitted to dress up in costume
should they wish.
Throughout the news report/interview the
student will explain why these technological advances occurred based on the
synthesis of knowledge gained from speaking with the grandparent/elder by
presenting a news style movie
We do
Part 1: Grandparent video interview (if grandparent
is local)
First, you must create your questions with your
partner in class.
Then, ask your questions, this part of the
assignment is a discussion, using the questions that you have created with your
Interview a grandparent, or elderly friend, the
discussion you have together enable a sharing of their past experiences of how
life was like when they were young, highlighting the areas of technology that
was used in the past.
Focus is on areas, such as, farming, school,
entertainment, and communication.
Record your grandparent’s responses and comments
on your cell phone or other pocket device.
Part 2: Video Interview with a student reporting
their findings (if grandparent is not local)
This part of the assignment interview is for
students who are not able to record their elder/grandparent for their
interview-perhaps they live too far away!
First, you must create your questions with your
partner in class.
Next, gather your answers, by discussing with a
grandparent/elder, using the phone or email to communicate.
Record the comments and answers to the prepared questions.
Record the comments and answers to the prepared questions.
Then, show what you have learned about how life
was in the past by creating an interview using the news reporter style as seen
on TV.
The first student will be the interviewer and
their partner will be the interviewee.
The interviewer will be asking questions to
highlight what they have learned regarding the similarities and differences in
the role of technology in their lives from past to present as discussed from
their phone/email conversation.
If there is a student who does not have
anyone to talk with as in an elder/grandparent independent research is
acceptable. (See teacher for more information!)
Part 3: Edit Interview
As part of the process each group is expected to edit their
interview using Windows Movie Maker or another movie editor such as SPLICE. Edit the interview so that the audience can
see and hear the student asking the questions.
Then after the student asks the question edit the recording to go to the
correct answer or part of the interview where the elder/grandparent speaks to
this topic and answers the question.
We share
Part 4: Conclusion:
Presentation of their video will be held in class. Each student will assess their own
presentation as well as the other presentations. Time will be given to discuss suggestions or
things they would do differently next time.
We will be inviting guests to the presentation once all of the videos
have been edited. Guests may be parents
and grandparents/or elders.
Interview Project
Consent Form for Parents
Giving Their Child Permission to Participate
Giving Their Child Permission to Participate
Dear Parents/Guardians,
child will be partaking in a class and home assignment which is directly linked
to our Language Arts and Social Studies Curriculum Outcomes. Your child will be conducting an interview
and recording it on a cell phone video camera. This assignment requires the use of certain
technology that we have certain access at school and at home. The assignment requires each student to have
access to a cell phone with video recording capability and computers to edit
their video recording interviews.
If you have an extra cellular telephone, which
is not activated preferably, with this capability could you please send it in
with your child for the duration of this project? Please include the charger cable and any
cables needed to connect the phone to a computer.
completion of the project it is our plan to invite the Parents and Grandparents
into our school classroom for a Video
I am
asking permission for your child to participate in this class project.
I give
permission for my child ________________________________ to participate in this
video recording activity using cell phones.
I do
not give permission form my child _______________________________ to
I have/
have not included a pocket device and all necessary attachments for my child to
use at school.
sign here:
Video Interview Project
Assessment Rubric 1: 21st Century Target
Unit 2-Technology in their lives
Name: __________________________________________
is a synthesis of the following lessons in the articles: 21st C. Learner, Five Hallmarks
of Good Homework,7 Essentials of Project-Based Learning, and Show us What
Homework’s For
Did the student personalize the purpose of the project?
Evidence of question
Evidence of critical thinking
Evidence of gaining knowledge by reflecting,
collaboration, communicating
Personalized the driving question
Efficiency: Did you learn anything?
Shared knowledge during group discussion responsibly
respecting others feelings and manners
Participated productively with partner
Draw conclusions-connect to a real situation real world
Makes informed decisions based on self assessment and
group collaboration
Ownership: Personal relationship between the
student and the content formed?
Applied knowledge from personal experiences to new
Evidence of individual research, generated new questions
Evidence that the student became involved in the decision
making process during group work
Student performed activities finding pleasure in personal
Competence: (differentiation)
Student selected activities based on personal inquiry and
time restraints
Evidence of pursuing personal growth by self assessment
and openness to new ideas and suggestions
Found additional information independently
Evidence that student related activities to personal life
Customized project and components (activities) to personal
needs- different style, brochure, different medium to present the message
Aesthetically Appealing
-Public Presentation
Aesthetic Growth multiple components digital, visual,
textural, technological
Used creative and artistic formats to express personal
Trying a variety of formats
Organized uncluttered
Attention grabbing video
Self Evaluation-Any new ideas?
Identified own areas of interest-select resources that are
Identified areas of increased skill
Assess own ability to work with others face to face and
through digital medium
Assess own growth
Each section is worth one point for a total of out of 24
Rubric 2-Outcomes
Student Name:
Checklist Unit 2-Technology in their
share, and discuss thoughts, feelings, and experiences and consider others’
ask and
respond to questions to clarify information and to explore possibilities or
solutions to problems
and explain opinions and respond to the questions and reactions of others
Social Studies
and evaluate the role of technology in their lives
an understanding that people have changed technology over time to meet their
needs, wants, and interests
BOC 3.1
use school media, computer equipment, and software to support their learning,
with direct teacher assistance when required
BOC 3.2
use a
range of appropriate equipment, computer technology, and software to plan and
create multimedia works that contain pictures, words, and sound to tell a
story or report the results of their learning
PTS 3.1
their learning by selecting media and software appropriate to the content and
purpose, with teacher assistance
RPSD 3.1
relevant information by using the appropriate organizational features of and
search strategies applicable to books, other print, audio CDs, videos,
computer software, multimedia, and the Internet, with teacher assistance
Video Interview Project