Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 3-raw

Digital picture assignment week.  Spent all weekend  and many evenings at school researching tips to digital photography.  I focused on my audience, my wife, who is a point and shoot type of photographer but has a great eye.  Unfortunately it was not as simplified as I wanted it to be.  I incoroporated an attractive cover as to capture an audience if it was sitting at a magazine rack at Chapters. During the class we were instructed ot resize images.  The point of the activity was well illustrated as though we did all the reading you still need to actually put the skill to use and resize images! Still finding that there really is so much to get a handle on.

I enjoyed the hyperlinks and bookmarks assignment used it in my classroom, tried to keep the youtube links short which makes a difference for their attention, I found that many of my students enjoyed the shocking content that I included.  This was the plan, to create different environments so that I could begin to get acquainted with what makes these young learners tick aside from pokeman. haha

Something that I walked away with from this week is that my friend in the Mounties and I could actually talk digipicspeak and I could follow, he shared with me the finer details of raw images for crime scene investigative work.  If I could plan a way to incorporate our discussion with him visiting my class discussing how technology is changing the way evidence is stored and data logged I think my students would be able to connect to my Social Studies curriculum which on its own lacks anything motivating.  This is what I find myself creating - interesting fun activities that allow the children to work together and discover how technology has changed in a short period of time, and compare it to how things were so different to when there parents were students by interviewing them.

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