Tapscott brought up a great comment that I am reflecting about, this is the notion of changing how we teach to the net generation child. As I have been reading in articles collaboration is the key as well as making it a personal journey of learning.
Tapscott video Grown Digital
Embedded in this video interview is a very strong message that this generation is out there and educators have to continue to adapt and personalize what we are teaching and how we are engaging the social learner. I am finding more and more evidence in my discussions with family and friends, and especially colleagues that there is a significant disconnect to the student who is digitalized. In the schools today we have a significant need to diversify the old ways of broadcast teaching and begin to embrace the newer digilearner who learns better if they are emotionally attached to the work with a social responsibility to meet certain group goals.
The article 21st C. learner introduced the ideas quite clearly of what kinds of skills these students have and must have to succeed. Like conclude, collaborate, communicate, organise and display knowledge by their Tech. abilities, and how it all connects to the real world.
This is actually what Tapscott was heading toward in this video, that is that the whole world is not connected and communicating openly. Web based discussion is eminent and we as educators must provide the social education as well as technological for the students to navigate life becoming socially responsible and maintaining privacy.
P. Routledge
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