Okay so to touch base I am involved in a masters of education program with a focus in technology.
I have no interest in blogging but I am diving into this experience.
Reflection on the first couple of weeks, well crazy is a word I would use to describe the work.
Ofcourse it is important to realize that life goes on with or without involved in it. So I have felt disconnected from family because of the amount of time that is required to fulfill class assignment without even really tackling the 2 major assignments for the bang for your buck for points race for a mark.
Struggling how I organize this preliminary rant about course objectives.
The readings have been quite enlightening, I have enjoyed the discussions and improvements that I have already implemented in my teaching.
I will be popping back later. Life is happening again.
Post up if you have any comments.
here I sit thinking about assessment after re reading the hallmarks article, I really like how the article wants students to collaborate, and share, it gives a chance to listen to others and I find that too often the teacher (ofcourse not me) does not give a chance for this to happen.