Friday, November 19, 2010

WORDLE: a fun activity

My lesson today was a technology lesson, and secondly, a language arts activity.  The good news is that all of my students were able to collaborate together and create group wordles.  This time the website was not blocked for some reason.

I have been sharing my discoveries regarding Wordle with my school's staff and have motivated many teachers to try this, there has been many emails back and forth to me, with questions and comments, about how much fun their students have had creating their Wordle projects.

Self Reflection
I am extremely pleased to have made the decision to share this personal experience with my school staff.  Though not every teacher has tried or will even try to implement technology in their daily teaching practise I am pleased to say that many did try to implement this activity with a positive success. 

Who wins?
Well as I am understanding, more and more, that as I implement technology into daily teaching practise, as well as, communicating my experiences to my colleagues, who in turn make suggestions and critique my work I am able to say that I am a winner as I become a more effective teacher.  Due to this the students then are the real winners. 

This is clearly evident in their willingness to try technology and experience new things in the classroom making learning fun, meaningful and connected to their lives.

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