Saturday, November 27, 2010


Well I have not finished everything for my connected classroom course yet however I feel that the learning that has gone on is absolutely beyond

So much, that I get somewhat frustrated, with what certain teachers are focused on at my school, regarding what they feel is meaningful homework.  I have to hold back my comments sometimes, regarding this homework, that is really not connected, to what is culturally relevant, or even meaningful in the students' learning.  

 I cetainly ask myself what is the purpose of the homework and is it MEANINGFUL?  -before I assign any kind of class/home work!

I find myself reassessing all of the projects and homework that I would/have  assign in the past and question myself:  "Am I really giving them something meaningful and connected?", quite often I have to adapt the activity now, so that I am pleased with the learning that is going on, especiallly,  if I have opportunity to introduce any technology.  Actually I introduced a L.Arts project using a program called Comic Life, I don't really know anything about the program, but I know that my students were really interested in it and could not wait to begin to create a comic strip.   Ofcourse they would go through the process of sharing, critical response, reflecting, change and improve, critique again, and reorganize that is essential for this 21st C. learner.

The articles and research that I have done for Al and this course has impacted my teaching in ways that I am really proud of, and I feel that it has improved my teaching as well as  it has change how I view life.

 I say this because the course has added another "filter" to me as a teacher.  I am able to think about what I am teaching and how I am doing it a little differently! -and I love it!  I feel that I am becoming a significantly more effective teacher as this course goes on.

I find myself now almost naturally making this transition to the better teacher these days, I am also motivated to partake in the group activities as I am interested in the learning that is happening in my classroom.  This is huge! 

Thanks to Al Reyner my prof for this, he really pushed us but it was for the best!

I have a project that I have been working on regarding a media gift, I am unsure of the "rubric" that I am being evaluated on, if any, however I am struggling with the media, the message, and the purpose, as I am not sure how this is effecting my teaching or my students, which is usually the goal of any/all of our course assignments. 

This one feels like the "cross I have to bear" like Jesus. 

I must say that every other assignment/project/article was absolutely relevant to my learning and to my class, that this media gift has me baffled, perhaps it is to see our skill to prepare for a wedding-haha!

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