Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reflection 3: The Changing Classroom

Reflection 3: 
The Changing Classroom

1.      Description

I was inspired by my teacher and the big picture that I now have on teaching and its connectedness to curriculum. I have found myself thinking about my teaching and my personal journey- becoming a more effective teacher through the implementation and integration of technology.  I am speaking about using technology assisted resources directly intertwined with my teaching.  I am becoming closer to achieving this goal by means of implementing and integrating technology into my classroom.  Some teachers may even feel that I am an expert in this area of curriculum design and implementation.  I find myself trying to incorporate technology in as many opportunities as possible to optimize the learning of my students.  I find real value in trying to make the most out of my students learning by incorporating technology into my curriculum.  Optimized learning is easier to do when integrating technology.  The integration of technology into the curriculum both as a subject, and as a means or vehicle, to get the most from my students, is important, because it allows a richer fuller learning preparedness for the real world with a collection of skills needed to navigate through the 21st Century successfully.

2.     Analysis & Impact

I am more able to make sense of how my classroom is changing because I have a deeper understanding of the learning theory and implementation plans.  This helps me decide which way I will introduce a technology in the classroom.  I have learned how to use technology for the vehicle of learning.   Based on the article Implementing the Seven Principles (Chickering & Ehrmann, 1996, p.3-6) there are very important points to remember when implementing technology.  Such as, asynchronous communication, like email, which makes communication easier more social, participation and communication are more equitable and widespread.  Other important points as well like reciprocity – Cooperation among students, collaboration, active learning techniques-reflect and apply to their lives, learning by doing, build deeper understanding,  good teacher practice-prompt feedback gives the possibility to have critical observations by video, portfolio strategies easy storage of files (digital), manage time on Task-attractive, efficient time management strategies, reduces travel time to a computer lab, fits schedule of students and teachers, immediate and constant access to resources, good practice communicates high expectations-self fulfilling, analysis, synthesis, application, evaluation, publishing students work on the Web is a motivator, peer evaluation.  Good practice respects diverse talents in ways of learning, different methods of learning, drives collaboration, self-reflection, supply structure for students, enables differentiation.  Implementing technology in this manner will help my effectiveness in the classroom.  I feel that these general suggestions will be very helpful in the implementation of technology.

 I am trying to make sense of just how to implement technology most effectively in my classroom.  I have experienced numerous positive experiences for both the learner and the teacher implementing the skills to use technology assisted learning in the classroom.  I feel the single most important aspect of this implementation process and personal development for me is my attitude towards change and innovation in the school, and in my classroom.  I have observed and participated in failed attempts at implementation of innovative tools to further develop learning in the classroom.  I now understand that it is the nature with which the technology innovation has been implemented and less likely to be the actual technological tool in the school that has affected its successful implementation or its failed implementation.  After review of certain change theory like Michael Fullan’s New Meaning of Educational Change theory I have begun to understand the big picture of implementation.  It is necessary to consider what Fullan refers to as moral purpose (Fullan, 2005 p. 210) it is important that I remember to keep this entrenched in my teaching so that when I am implementing a new technology into my classroom I am able to provide a model of real connectedness to the actual tool being implemented.  I have learned that the implementation of technology can be seen differently at various levels, how implementation of technology looks in the classroom looks somewhat different than in documents at the system or school board level.  I learned that change is entrenched in the board level documents as far as meeting the future needs of this young generation that is growing up digital.  There needs and wants are very different and changing so fast that it is difficult for the school board to keep up with the newest innovations. Curriculum change has merit however you have to have a process.

I feel that as I provide opportunity for my students to learn the needed 21st Century skills, often referred to as the New Literacies in the classroom, the students will have a greater chance of succeeding in their future.  Implementing change properly, it is essential to consider the various factors that are involved in change, people, programs and process one of the ways that I see this as an instrumental factors as mentioned by Sue Foley (personal communication, July19, 2011) to our cohort that a very significant issue for the success of this change is communication to the stakeholders-the parents.  My philosophical position is now more evident in my own teaching strategies across the curriculum.  I now have a much stronger understanding of the foundations of curriculum and how my beliefs affect how I am teaching as well as how I am evaluating.  For example following the Cognitivist learning theory, (Ornstein & Hunkins. 2004, p. 218) while I am introducing basic facts and knowledge regarding the life cycle of a butterfly, I will provide computer based activities engaging the students in learning by showing me their connections to their prior knowledge or schema and adding to it by developing more details in a concept map.  The feedback that I will provide, positive or negative, will align to the behaviourist learning theory.  This instant feedback connects to the required response to stimulus learning theory.

3.       Intent

Being successful at change is essential for the implementation of any technology or ideas.  As part of my success in implementation of technology in my classroom I will continue and increase my communication with the parents, who are a major stakeholder in the process of the implementation plan.  This is an area that Sue Foley (personal communication, July19, 2011) presented quite clearly that we are accountable to our stakeholders for the success of any technology implementation plan to be successful. Furthermore, I plan to search out and develop effective technologically connected activities to prepare my students for their future.  These activities will be rooted in the philosophies which I align to my purpose and beliefs.  My students will be able to use technology in the classroom to maximize their own learning.  I will assist them along the way to further prepare them for their future integrating their needed technology skills, one chunk at a time, following the incremental theories of Fullan, based on the research of Piaget, introducing technology that is age and cognitively appropriate to their level, incorporating small gradual modifications in new behaviour, throughout their learning.  I am able to reflect on my practices and evaluate if the approach that I have followed to implement technology in my classroom was successful or not, as well, I will adjust my personal habits, curricula, and learning spaces, to impact the necessary changes for successful implementation of curriculum aligned with the needed 21st Century skills for optimal learning based on the literature. I intend implementing many suggestions from articles and discussions that I have been involved with, for example the Implementing the seven principles article has many suggestions that I can even share with other members of my staff.


Chickering, Arthur and Stephen C. Ehrmann (1996) Implementing the seven principles: technology as lever. AAHE Bulletin, October.

Fullan, M (2005). The meaning of educational change: a quarter of a century of learning. The Roots of Educational Change, (9781402032899), 202-216.    

Ornstein, A.C., & Hunkins, F.P (2004). Curriculum: Foundations, Principles and Issues. New York:   Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Reflection 2: Maximize Learning Online

Reflection 2: 
Maximize Learning Online

1.      Description

I have found myself incorporating the use of the internet more and more in my classroom teaching.  I have found myself using the internet as a first place that I look for numerous kinds of information.  In the classroom the students are using the internet to provide them with information.  Often students have questions that I am not able to provide the answer to, I suggest that we find the answer together.  This is important because it indicates to the students that the teacher is not always the source for all knowledge.  As the teacher searches for information with the student, the teacher seizes the moment and enriches the learning experience for this by asking challenging analytical questions about the source of information.  Often at this point students make connections to video games that they have played or are currently playing at home.  This discovery is very important because this is an indication of the possibilities of enriched learning after school time.

2.     Analysis & Impact

I believe that students are able to optimize their learning inside the classroom and outside the classroom by using the internet.  I believe that students can develop, create, analyse, share, recreate, think critically and develop social skills while participating in online social affinity websites.  I understand that there are many opportunities for learners to continue the learning out of school by participating in online experiences, in website communities, called an affinity space this is a place where participants can share their ideas and discuss topics affiliated with the website.  Users are able to be involved in the shaping of the content of the space and the interactional organization of the space (Black, 2008, p. 22).  My student was able to seek out the information that she was after with my assistance in one of these web spaces. Her willingness to seek out and search for the answers reflects these 21st Century learner skills.  I have learned that many of my students are engaged in online learning activities outside of the instructional day using the internet and a computer.  Furthermore, affinity spaces are not the mechanism for basic or fundamental learning, but rather a space for enhanced learning, which is highly motivational due to the willingness of the youth to participate in the practice- which facilitates the learning.  Traditional classrooms generally do not allow students to network together, with various 21st Century digital skills or tools in technology.  (Gee, 2004, p.  89)  In addition, by tapping into affinity spaces and participating, youth are therefore able to gain or further develop their learning.  Moreover, it is through the act of participating in the social affinity web site that youth and learners can be involved in their own unique interests and be engaged in learning the 21st Century skills.  I have learned that Learners are able to further develop or reach a deeper fuller level of learning (Gee, 2007, p. 172).   The Web or affinity site is the vehicle where we learn and how we learn further skills that are not necessarily worked on in the classroom thereby enhancing the learning.

I strongly support my students actively participating in online affinity spaces.  I feel that it is an excellent learning experience for the student.  I feel that it is a positive learning experience.  My personal concern with the students participating is that I would strongly urge the parents to be involved in this activity to monitor what is being discussed.  I would want to discuss the significance of this social online affinity and the dangers of being online with the parents and the students together.  It is important to note however that little effort has been put into developing a sound theoretical understanding of what online participation actually is and how it may be studied empirically. (Hrastinski, 2008)
My reaction to this online learning opportunity is similar to my reactions with my thoughts on implementation. I believe that it is worth while to allow time for the students to become familiarized with any new technology innovation being implemented into the classroom.  I see the innovation of the computer implemented in the classroom as a tool that supports and extends students understanding of the… multimedia… (Moersch, 1998)  I believe that implementing this technology following the philosophical approach of Pragmatism, which aligns with the needs for the learner to develop skills in dealing with changing environmental situations, interacting with other learners using the affinity web sites to interact with online communities to build social relationships and most importantly develop critical thinking.
 I see using a web site to develop social interaction as a major issue for students who are using affinity web sites that are not under the watchful eye of an adult, an affinity web site may be an age inappropriate space for students in grade 2.  Certain students may have difficulties expressing themselves clearly and safely in a chat room or affinity site.  There is evidently value in having the students participate or even search out these web sites and not engage in conversation so that they are just getting information.  A difficulty with this is that searching out information is not entirely participatory in essence and the child would benefit further should he/she engage in a conversation.   Major educational issues with online learning that I see as possible limitations are:  Access to the internet because they do not have the interned, and, the possibility of students who may not have a computer or other media to access internet at their home.  How can the teacher, school, or community answer to these fundamental issues? As stated in a recent film called:  Where is Superman there are social inequities that are affecting the learning of students throughout the world according to the film review "One of the unmentioned features [in the film] is the inequality of resources. In a lot of states, you have a three to one ratio" of resources between the most affluent and poorest schools, said Darling-Hammond. "You can see in the film the lack of investment in the physical plants." (Haven, 2010) I feel that with significant classroom discussions with students about how to safely search out information online, discussing topics of best practices for internet safety, as well as communications sent home to the parents by a note.  As the literature states, online collaboration and participating in affinity sites is a means to enrich the learning that is going on in the classroom, furthermore the students will develop those needed 21st century skills.

3.       Intent

As a result of my learning of these issues I intend to create a handout to the students indicating safe use of the internet and best practices of staying safe online.  I will discuss the use of the computer as a means for optimal learning both inside and outside of the classroom to my parents and students, explaining my reasons for enabling the students to search out information using the internet.  I will provide an increased amount of time for students to gain access to computers that are connected to the internet for those students who do not have access at home.  Based on the literature that I have read there is value in the learning that occurs while students are actively participating in these online affinity spaces.  I will provide further opportunities for parents to inquire and get involved with students with to develop safe internet use practices.  I intend to provide instruction regarding processes of searching information online and developing a sense of critical awareness of the authenticity of certain web sites extending the learning from just the classroom to anywhere the students can have internet access.


Black, R. (2008). Adolescents and Online Fan Fiction. New York: Peter Lang.
Gee, J. P. (2004). Situated Language and Learning: A Critique of Traditional Schooling. New York:  Routledge.

Gee, J. P. (2007). Good Video Games +Good Learning:  Collected Essays on Video Games.  New York:  Peter Lang.
Haven, Cynthia. (2010, October 6). Waiting for superman: don't look for easy answers the film implies, panel of educators says. Stanford Report, Retrieved from
Hrastinski, S. (2008). What is online learner participation? a literature review. Computers & Education, 51. Retrieved from http://journal homepage: locate/compedu
Moersch, C. (1998). Levels of technology implementation (loti): A framework for measuring classroom technology use. Learning and Leading With Technology, 40-42.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Reflection 1: Concept Mapping in My Classroom

Reflection 1: 
Concept Mapping in My Classroom

1.      Description

I am very excited to express my great pleasure that my students are using technology for their organizing of ideas, and writing out of these ideas in the form of a story.  I have observed many students having a great difficulty presenting their ideas in an organized way in their writing assignments. This is important because students are expected to meet the Provincial Learning Outcome expressing their ideas clearly in an organized manner. I am able to maximize the learning by using technology.  In this reflection I discuss implementing software called Kidspiration to maximize their learning!  I have made consistent attempts throughout my school year to implement the use of technology, in particular, computers to create motivation for the student’s to write. This software called Kidspiration is that the student is able to use the program to begin organizing their thoughts for future writings within this program using a concept map tool.  This application of the program is easy to use and very intuitive, so that the students are able to access different features of the program by recognizing picture cues (icons) or hearing the program “read” what the student is selecting with their mouse.  I have observed students actively engaged and enjoying their learning while using this technology.  Students are optimizing their learning for their future, by developing these 21st Century learner skills of sharing and creating concept maps to begin writing.  Students are successfully able to work together and create their writing while using Kidspiration. It is my role to assist the students navigating through the software and programs.

2.     Analysis & Impact

As a teacher I observe and analyse my students having difficulties using the computer successfully.   Further analysis indicates an issue:  The students are having difficulties meeting an expected grade level Language Arts outcome to express their ideas in a clear and organized manner.  I am very concerned that my students are having difficulties meeting this outcome.  I am able to assist the students, as the teacher’s role being that of a facilitator.  I am able to help the students work together and successfully develop their writing skills. The Cognitivist Philosophy states that the students learn best by connecting their “schema” or prior knowledge, to new knowledge and experiences, by the use of concept maps.   The Cognitivist believes that the transfer of knowledge happens effectively and efficiently by the use of a concept map. According to Piaget they already have a schema.  The students learn well using the computer because they can create concept maps to organize and expand their ideas and have fun while they do this activity. This means they have a general internal knowledge structure and new information is compared to the existing structures that they have. The schema can be combined, personalized customized or added to for the accommodation of new information which they add to their content map.  I have discovered that I am able to assist the students overcome ongoing social conflicts by continuing to provide time for students to work together. I have learned that the students are developing their computer skills, and writing skills, while using the computer.  Furthermore, the social conflicts have been reduced.

v Reacting: 

I reacted with concern that the students were not going to be able to maximize their learning through the use of Kidspiration because they were having difficulties organizing their ideas before they began to write a story. I was feeling frustrated at first because I felt that the students should be able to express their ideas and construct a story in an organized way.  I felt that the students should just do as they were asked and to automatically begin to organize their ideas.  After reflecting about the difficulties the students had with writing their students in an organized manner.  I realized that the students did not organize their thoughts in a logical order or group their ideas together.  I was feeling happy that I came up with a solution that appeared to work-more time to practice using concept maps using Kidspiration to organize their ideas.  It appears that the students came to realize that if they were able to use the concept maps to organize their ideas logically and clearly that they could optimize their writing and learning.

v Elaborating:

As I was able to discover a major problem with the students learning, the students were having difficulties organizing their ideas as well as expressing their ideas in a clear manner.  I was able to provide instant feedback to the students based on the theories of Behaviourism, instant positive or negative feedback to inform and develop the expected behaviour.

v Consolidating and Contemplating:

One difficulty that I see is that the students were struggling with expressing themselves clearly when writing.  I have had to respond to this issue by implementing the use of technology and directly discuss how to use Kidspiration to create concept maps enabling the students to visually see all of their ideas, then to organize the ideas together into groups at which point the students can begin to create their writing.  At this point if I am able to reward the students who are doing the concept mapping of their ideas I reward them with a sticker. This reward or instant feedback is based on the Behaviourist theory, rewarding behaviour with a stimulus.  Certainly at the ages of 7 and 8 the students respond well to positive and negative feedback.   I see that the students are in need of opportunity for growth and discussion and development regarding how to organize thoughts and ideas, and present them in an organized manner in their writing.  The students would train themselves to use Kidspiration to create concept maps regarding particular subjects of interest collecting their ideas and developing them into organized chunks on similar ideas for transferring the ideas into a complete piece of writing.

3.       Intent

 I intend to provide further instructional time discussing the desired techniques in writing, which are the expectations or outcomes that the students are expected to meet.  What I will do is begin to have activities with the students, sharing a book, with different age appropriate subjects that can be easily organized into groups then demonstrating how to use Kidspiration to create a concept map organizing the ideas that are presented in this book.  At which point, the teacher would create a concept map using Kidspiration.  I will use stickers to reinforce the use of Kidspiration concept maps in their writing based on the Behaviourist theories of learning.  I will use the program called Kidspiration to help the students learn how to create concept maps adding to their knowledge which reflects the Cognitive approach to learning.