GCRD 6353 (80/81)
Research Seminar in Curriculum Studies: Literacy and New Technologies
Summer 2011
Course #2 of the cohort has started and I find myself in an area that I have little prior knowledge.
Teacher Research from design to implementation is my textbook. Just read the introduction and the first of several assigned chapters, Chapter 2: An Introduction to Teacher Research.
After having read the first chapter which is the introduction to what research is and how it effects teachers, I feel that I have a very beginning point of understanding why we need to follow this course inorder to get a Masters Degree. The message from the beginning of this connected learning is in fact a very basic and time old true message that of becoming a more effective teacher in the classroom.
Reasons for teacher based research as I see it at this time is that of developing techniques to get to know my students better, thereby becoming a more effective teacher in all aspects of being an educator, theory and practice. Strategies in developing research
Chapter 2 mainly discussed the need for organized and systematic research inorder to draw consistent conclusions that can be used as data for research.