Monday, February 28, 2011

Teaching the iGeneration and what Screenagers say...

So what does the iGeneration have to say anyhow?

Well from reading these related articles for our next class on March 1st, called Teaching the iGeneration by Larry D. Rosen and What Screenagers Say About... by ASCD. 
The group of students represented in the articles are telling us more than what many teacher's will admit.  According to the articles, which I agree with, is that the use of technology is all about engagement of the learner, the iGen is soaked in technology all around them as fish in water. 

The advantage of this for the student is that educators are able to refocus their attention on learning, through the use of technology, to pass on the information to the students on their own time, whether it be at home, at the friends house, anytime anywhere-24/7.  This 24/7 access of information through technology allows the iGen student to be in control of their learning, making it work for them.  They are able to access information as many times needed or as much as they want.  Having this personal access enables richer learning because the students can control their learning which is what they are used to in their cyber life.  Teachers are able to make the learning more personal due to the many available online resources which provides a richer learning experience, with more of the students gathering information and learning the way it works best for them touching on their multiple learning styles and intelligences.  I would call this the customized learning.

By allowing students to access the needed information for class on their own time they are more motivated to learn, as well as, more involved in their learning, taking ownership of their learning. 
This iGen needs to use technology more in school.  As Rosen stated: use the technology to convey the content.  Makes the learner more motivated therefore engaging them in their learning and involved in their learning.
By using technology such as text messages before class from the prof to students the class is able to gather information and collaborate before class has begun, freeing up valuable time to make meaning of the discussions that surrounds them in the classroom.

The Screenagers message is quite clear, that is to tell the teachers to not be afraid of using the technology that the iGen are so familiar with, after all, the teachers are expected to prepare the students for their future.  How can teachers do this well if they themselves are not atleast efficient with the many types of technology such as PowerPoint, and Smart boards?

The Screenagers want to let teachers know that they are aware of the dangers of technology:  cyberbullying, social distraction like Facebook, not being able to unplug, having hard copies of documents found on the Web, and that the students need guidance as to how to protect themselves from these problems, which have always been arouond every generation. 

The Screenagers want us as teachers to continue to use what works so far such as the preclass text questions, Instant messaging with your teacher, using responers in the classroom, effective use of PowerPoint presentations where it is not a narration of the slide,  and good old effective teaching staying on top of the students learning and keeping it interactive with an easy going sharing atmosphere where students feel comfortable and respected when they share their ideas.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cell Phones...Networking or Notworking?....February 6, 2010

Just one is all you need!
 Cell phones in the classroom?-hell yes!

Just starting a little dialogue of a few things that I have been noticing- cell phones are even more useful in the classroom than what I originally suspected, it is just a matter of how I can learn to use this learning tool in my class.  I definitely see the benefits of this tool!

Having read a few articles from class, it is now more apparent that cell phones are here to stay and we must learn to implement this 21st C. teaching tool.  Apparently the TV show writers have been noticing this latest discussion regarding the use of cell phones in school.  I was watching an episode of Gray's Anatomy and there was a surgery being performed by a doctor and all around were a group of student surgeons I believe, they were watching and updating their Tweeter or Twitter pages, in the end, they were able to network and get a medical procedure to succeed by using a social network to communicate instantly.  

Also the surgeon was able to answer questions about the surgery Real Time while it was happening.  Personally I thought this is fabulous however, I also began to think what if something bad happened while he was not paying as close attention to his procedure as perhaps he would be if he was not answering any questions.  Interesting to think about both sides of this Networking issue.

I tend to always embrace the Networking and am excited to bring down the barriers that the older 19th C. school frame of mind has.  Myself, I feel that every child in school should have a smart phone, it is their own personal computer in their pocket. We just need to teach and correct socially appropriate and inappropriate use of the cell phone.  

As I see it the problem is not the phone but rather the user!

We are at a paradigm shift for technology and education, either we embrace the use of technology or we return to the caveman era of the broadcast style of learning.

I have a friend who could operate his business almost entirely through the use of his cell phone.   We were at an event where cell phones were present perhaps not appreciated but nonetheless many were browsing their social networks rather than Face to Face socializing-my friend was able to conduct a business meeting with an associate many hours away in Central Canada.  He was able to complete a deal, and notify his office and partners as it was happening.  Not later on the following day. 

Myself like many other Net Geners I appreciate the 24/7 that Internet and smart phones is to my discretion how I handle the the call/text/message/email coming into to my inbox and setting off my vibrator...(on my phone!)...keeping this clean (ha,ha). I am able to unplug or disconnect should I choose.

 For me it is about the option to choose.  I am in power.

Do I see cell phones in the classroom in the future? No I see them in the classrooms NOW!  It is how we can harness this technology that is still somewhat in the future for education.  Sadly there are more and more schools who are still unable to make the paradigm shift to implementing the cell phone, and these schools are IMO missing the point of having cell phones in class as highly accessible tools for information gathering and networking. 

AS I see things going with my own personal experience with smart phones it is becoming quite clear that these super phones are able to do many of the same tasks that a personal computer can do, is it possible that smart phones will make the portable (break your shoulder) Lap Top old school?  Perhaps just one or the other is all you need, a cell phone or a laptop?...We will have to wait and see... certainly with CLOUD technology developing giving access to more and more online for storage of documents for example you really can access everything you need online or in the CLOUD.

In conclusion, I feel that the question of cell phone use in school for the use of learning is an easy one, I ask myself what is the dilemma?  What else can we do with the cell phone?