Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Project Based Learning Assignment - 3 Parts

Grade 2 New Media Assignment

Part 1:  Wordle Assignment:  An Introduction to Wordle

Focus:  The following activities focus on the ability to share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society as well as, pursue personal and aesthetic growth.

Read over and discuss relevant words for Remembrance Day from books read in class.  Create a reference list to be projected on the LCD screen
Demonstrate:  Show them what a wordle is and demonstrate how you can customize the words and other effects like randomization. I indicate that not only do they need to be able to print their own wordle but that they need to be able to share the responsibilities of the group so that each of them is able to successfully create a wordle

Activity 1:
 In pre assigned groups the students are to follow the directions to get to the website wordle.  (I have already linked my class webpage with wordle to help the students go directly where to go.)
Once the students are at the web site I give them instructions as to how to navigate the site, I indicate that each student is responsible to input 4 of their own words, regarding words that they feel is important to them in expressing their ideas about Remembrance Day.  They are to type in their name and the 4 words that they use.  They then each input their information and print.
Print and pass it in.
Completed the assignment while sharing the responsibilities are evident- Quick and easy to evaluate:  Students 21st Century Skills see rubric:

Activity 2:

The students that are in my class (2R) are going to teach the students in the other Grade 2 class (2H) how to use Wordle.  My students are responsible to give the instructions for their friends from the other Grade 2 class.  The students are to complete a Wordle using their names, each taking turns typing in their own names.  Print and pass it in.

Part 2:  Glogster Assignment:  An Introduction to Glogster

Create a Glogster image showing the different emotions that you feel regarding the soldiers that have died in World War 1 and 2 or if you  have family that have been affected by a more recent war.  Perhaps you can even create a peace message.

Part 3:  Primary Pad Assignment:  An Introduction to Primary Pad

Students are to create an account, with the teachers’ help, and set up an online discussion showing their learning about the significance of Remembrance Day connecting their personal learning to global changes that have happened due to the War.   
Students are expected to share their discoveries collaboratively online, using primary pad, applying their knowledge to their own situation, discussing how their lives would be impacted if there was a war in Canada right now. 
By creating this knowledge I would like you to consider the global perspectives influencing your lives as students today, as well as, in your future.

Assessment:   Completed the assignment while sharing the responsibilities are evident- Quick and easy to evaluate!
Students 21st Century Skills see rubric:

Criteria is a synthesis of the following lessons in the articles:   21st C. Learner, Five Hallmarks of Good Homework,7 Essentials of Project-Based Learning, and Show us What Homework’s For
Did the
Student personalizes the purpose of the project?
Evidence of question
Evidence of critical thinking
Evidence of gaining knowledge by reflecting, collaboration, communicating
Personalized the driving question
 Did you learn anything?
Shared knowledge during group discussion responsibly respecting others feelings and manners

Participated productively with the group
Draw conclusions-connect to a real situation real world events
makes informed decisions based on self assessment and group collaboration
Personal relationship between the student and the content formed?

Applied knowledge from personal experiences to new situation
Evidence of individual research, generated new questions
Evidence that the student became involved in the decision making process during group work
Student performed activities finding pleasure in personal growth
Competence: (differentiation)
Student selected activities based on personal inquiry and time restraints

Evidence of pursuing personal growth by self assessment and openness to new ideas and suggestions

Found additional information on independently
Evidence that student related activities  to personal life
Customized project and components (activities) to personal needs- different style, brochure, different medium to present the message (results)
Aesthetically Appealing
-Public Presentation

Aesthetic Growth multiple components digital, visual, textural, technological
Used creative and artistic formats to express personal learning
Trying a variety of formats
Organized uncluttered
Attention grabbing visuals

Self Evaluation
-Any new ideas?

Identified own areas of interest-select resources that are engaging
Identified areas of increased skill
Assess own ability to work with others face to face and through digital medium
Assess own growth
Each section is worth one point for a total of 24


Sunday, December 5, 2010

Movie maker time

Well now I know why it takes so long to make a movie.  To time the song with the words with the images is driving me crazy-every change I make it totally changes the timing of the movie.  I keep changing the music because it is hard to get a song that captures all of the emotion that I want to convey!-it's all about the story I want to tell, the movie in this early stage has some strong enough images that my wife has cried while watching it-this is good!

One thing, of probably many odd things, was movie maker had a problem finding the file.  This concerns me as to how I am supposed to play the movie, must have to figure out a way of saving the file somewhere for the program to find it each time in order for it to work properly, I have decided on a song and have been working on timing.  I am still concerned about showing the movie from a DVD. I am going to have to find out about this little glitch that I have experienced.

I have learned why the 21st Century Learner takes longer at getting any one thing done, it is because they are always doing several other things at the same time, switching is exactly the word, as I have been doing this myself now....uh oh!

Friday, December 3, 2010

wordle again

Well I have  created an activity that all of my students enjoyed today, glogster was a no go, but Wordle is the winner, we were able to do our spelling test digitally through wordle.  Everyone was able to get online this morning and access wordle.  I created a link from my classpage so that I could control how they accessed the site. 

Everyone was able to create a wordle of the weeks spelling work.  They had fun doing the test imagine that!

I had a great time watching the students do this and help certain students work through their social problems which is daily with my group.

I have attempted repeatedly to get the group using glogster, it is just too hard for my grade to use this, and primary pad is out of the picture...sadly.

However I have discussed the online collaboration approach with all of my students who are all connected at home and have full internet access as well as a printer, 19 of 24 is a colour printer.  They have all created wordles for their parents at home.

their homework for this weekend which they all wanted was to create a wordle at home about ideas that they like to write about or their personal interests.

Next week my kids teach the other grade 2 class how to use wordle.
